Volley-minivolley-superminivolley ballasted system, transportable on wheels, with a buckle net, completely removable and accident-prevention.

ART. 5300

Monotubular weighted volley-minivolley-superminivolley system, transportable on wheels, large support base cm.85x71 designed for anchoring to the floor, and locking handwheels to ensure the sliding of the galvanized upper pole; sliding external to the upper pole which allow the adjustment of the net.

Net tensioning system with practical and fast buckle winch .


Game heights max. 2.5 m to min.1 m

Base width: 71 cm.

Base length: 85 cm.

Base height: 104 cm

Plant height: min. 2mt max. 2.5 m

Color: Blue

weight: about 35 kg

Net and Protection Art-4009 excluded
